If you have not done so, read the previous related entry here.
The Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia were all within walking distance. Unfortunately, we would only be visiting the Blue Mosque today and Hagia Sophia when we get back to Istanbul again at the end of the trip. The Blue Mosque was built in the 17th Century and when completed was (I am not sure if it still is) the only mosque in the world to feature 6 minarets. A minaret is basically a tower whereby someone used to stand to summon people for prayer. Nowadays they are wired with loud speakers. The Blue Mosque is still fully operational, and it is closed to tourists five times a day for prayers. As I walked towards the Blue Mosque I felt I was in the middle of something -- the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia were facing off each other.
The Blue Mosque shot from the ground in front. You can't see but there are lots of people below the picture line. Only 4 minarets shown, actual structure is a rectangle with 2 more minarets to the right.
The Hagia Sophia with 4 minarets. Some say that the Blue Mosque was built as a challenge to it. My local tour guide thought it might be a possibility too. But I say they are 1000 years too late.
We had to enter the Blue Mosque from the back and come out the front. Before reaching the back we passed the courtyard. Upon arrival we took off our shoes and put them into readily provided plastic bags and went in.
Courtyard of the Blue Mosque
The main dome of the Mosque. Picture is a little blur, night shot without a stable stand for mini-tripod due to the crowd.
Dome structures. The main dome is supported by 4 half-domes that are in turn supported by 3 quater-domes.
Domes to the pillar supports.
The front where the prayer leader will be.
Taps outside for ablution.
After visiting the Blue Mosque it was time for lunch. We took a short walk along the cobbled streets of the old part of the city. Most of the houses there were protected, they cannot be demolished. On the way we passed by an Obelisk that I suspect might have something to do with the silver model seen earlier in the silverware section of Topkapi palace. If that is true then this Obelisk might be older than any structure here since it is from Egypt. But looking at the condition it is probably a replica.
Old houses
Side of Blue Mosque
Lunch Place!
Lunch! Some butter rice (all rice here seems to be buttered), baked chicken (something like tandoori style), and a piece from an originally super big bread that is like a huge naan. There was soup before this but it was tasteless.
After lunch, we were going to depart Istanbul for Bursa -- the first area conquered by the Ottomans in these lands. To get there our bus was going to drive to a vehicle ferry and we will be ferried across the Bosphorus into Asia. So much for being in Europe for half a day.
Cobbled Street
Tram station, trams are the mass transit in this part of the city.
Some old walls
Bus parked on the ferry, we headed upstairs to the cafe
Our first turkish tea. It is basically like Lipton tea. In fact Lipton grows tea in Turkey, so it is Lipton tea. On a side note, they do not drink apple tea. My guide says they make it because the tourists seem to love it.
Onwards to Asia!
After reaching Asia and almost two hours by coach we reached our first hotel at Bursa. It is supposed to be our only 5-star hotel. Rather nice, we had a good rest and were ready to see the sights of Bursa the following day.
Found a nice animated GIF showing the extent of the Ottoman Empire expansion from wikipedia. The first green area at the start is Bursa.
Found a nice animated GIF showing the extent of the Ottoman Empire expansion from wikipedia. The first green area at the start is Bursa.

OMG! ive been everywhere u said!
love the tea!! and the cube sugar
Including lunch?!
I wish if i can share and invite you to view 3D Models of Blue Mosque here.
Thanks for sharing the link.
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