Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Financial Noob's Discoveries Part 2

Problem: Given a loan with an interest rate compounded daily, a target duration to completely repay the loan, and the fixed interval to make payments, how much should one pay per interval to completely repay the loan by the target duration?



fu onn said...

You are good lor...
blog also you can program till got fields to enter and become a financial calculator. Champion liao.

And you power le... so many posts!! well done! time to tell MK to update her blog. lol

Devil said...

MK's blog quite dead. =( Only adam road keep having fitness update. =) Thought the calculator might be useful ma...

Devil said...

The last time I visited Ipoh... got Internet ah!

Gerald said...

Wah... new blogger... -_-

Maybe you could do something more fun than a financial calculator... >.<

And MK, if you cannot update how come can post? -_-?

Devil said...

Hey gerald, if you look at the code for the financial calculator, you might realize it is really quite fun. =D The entire code contains no global declarations.