Monday, July 2, 2007

Medieval 2 Total War

I bought this game a couple of months ago, still been playing it for a short while every night. This is a strategy game with tactical battles. Rampaging across Europe during medieval times is really addictive. You can be invaded by the Mongolians and Timur the lame or even sail to America to conquer the Aztecs. It comes complete with the Pope in those days and represents the major religions of that era/region, notably Islam. This leads to many interesting options if you are a Christian Kingdom you will want to curry favor with the Pope, the Muslims will be more than happy to kill him and the Eastern Orthodox will basically be fighting everyone else. You can also go on crusades and jihad that will look somewhat like the movie, "Kingdom of Heaven". The tactical battle graphics are amazing especially with a good graphics card. Here are some home made videos by one of the talented players using the in-game battle engine.

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