Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Google Maps Europe Street View

I was just browsing my Google Maps today when I realised something interesting. Street View over Europe! So I zoomed into Rome and checked out the Colosseum.


If you are observant, you will realise that car plate numbers and human faces have been blurred out like this.

Pan over to the left (<--) where the road is filled with cars. Zoom in to see their license plates blurred out.

Notice how parts of the lamppost are also blurred out. They must be using some sort of image segmentation (dividing an image into logical segments -- clusters of pixels) and machine learning (ah that's a face, etc) to automatically identify parts of the scene to blur. Looks like the lamppost is a false positive.

Vatican City


Unknown said...

QE's over...somebody's very SLACK eh??? :)

Anonymous said...

Memories of the Colosseum and Vatican.... However, Rome was slightly disappointing though.