Monday, July 23, 2007

$100 human powered laptop

Well not quite $100 (yet), more like 100 pounds. An interesting scheme to get laptops to children in developing countries -- these things can even be powered by foot-pump. Some very big names are involved in it, including Intel, AMD, Google, etc. Although Intel is involved, the laptop will run on AMD processors for now. Since RedHat is involved and since you cannot find a supported version of Windows for under $100, my bet is it will run on the Linux operating system.

Some updates: there is a full run down of the laptop's specifications and capabilities here and some Nigerian children have already found something that inspires them to "foot pump" their laptop more (pointed out by a friend of mine).


viduka said...

Intel.. poooooi. hypocrites! go read up about the spat Nicholas Negroponte and Intel had over the OLPC project..

Devil said...

Yup they made their own competing laptop at first.