Thursday, January 17, 2008

C++ scanf and fscanf woes

I have been doing a whooping lot of C++ coding recently and one of the things that irked me the most was the scanf/fscanf function. For starters, one can write out double type variables to the fprintf and printf functions. Assuming that, since this can be done, I attempted to use fscanf to read double types from a file. As it turns out the double types cannot be read -- no value is stored in the double variable.

Why? Well apparently the scan functions can only read float types with the "%f" mask. So a float variable is required to read the float and then a static cast must be performed to turn it into a double. To read a double the mask should be "%lf". The most hard to detect part is the compiler accepts a double type as a legitimate type for the scanf/fscanf functions, so some form of warnings must be switched on to detect that. To further complicate things, printf functions use "%f" to print doubles.


viduka said...

HELLO. time to reduce number of posts showing on 1st page lah... make my firefox hang lor loading your page..

Devil said...

ops haha, ok halved it.