Friday, October 12, 2007

Ig Nobel Prize

A few days ago an article by BBC about The Ig Nobel Prize caught my attention. The Ig Nobel Prize is a series of awards handed out every year by real Nobel prize winners to people that did some really funny research. Some of the notable research done this year includes:
  • A gay bomb -- drop this on the enemy army and they will have homosexual tendencies resulting in confusion and loss in morale.
  • Extracting vanilla flavour from cow dung
  • "Sword swallowing and its side effects"
The rest of the list can be found on wikipedia or at the website of the Ig Nobel Prize itself. Now, if someone can win a prize for extracting vanilla from cow dung surely my country can win a prize for extracting drinking water from piss. Hence I did a ctrl-F and typed in the name of my country and guess who I found...


Unknown said...

fed pigeons???

Devil said...

huh what pigeons?

Unknown said...

"ctrl-F and typed in the name of my country..."

by the way, the gay bomb's bad idea...heard of the sacred band?

Devil said...

oic the pigeons. I'm not sure if that is really disallowed.

what's sacred band?